The Power Mac portion of “@” is not supported by the KeyServer currently chosen. The 68K Mac portion has been keyed. The 68K Mac portion of “@” is not supported by the KeyServer currently chosen. The Power Mac portion has been keyed. The program “@” is not supported by the KeyServer currently chosen. “@” is compressed using a potentially incompatible method. Please refer to the KeyAudit documentation. This copy of “@” is different from the copies controlled by KeyServer, so it was not keyed. “@” could not be keyed because KeyAudit could not contact KeyServer. “@” could not be keyed because it could not be found. “@” is already keyed. “@” could not be keyed. Check that any anti-virus programs are disabled. “@” was keyed, but KeyAudit could not verify this. “@” could not be keyed because there is not enough memory to enlarge a resource. “@” could not be keyed because there is not enough memory. “@” could not be keyed because it is already opened. “@” could not be keyed because information about it could not be obtained. “@” could not be keyed because you are not running the latest version of KeyAudit. “@” could not be keyed because it has a bad resource fork.